Thursday, January 23, 2014

BCS Overcrowding Meeting
Survey Results & Discussion
January 23, 2014

Survey results
·      502 parent + 35 staff voices  (all grades represented)
·      Thousands of open-ended comments
·      70% of people received enough info from PPS to understand the three options; 15% said they did not
·      74% said they were very/somewhat satisfied with how PPS has engaged BCS community in vetting options; 26% said they were somewhat/very unsatisfied
·      35% said they were very/somewhat likely to transfer their children to another PPS or private school; 65% said they were not likely to transfer

Create a third Beverly Cleary campus at Rose City Park School, sharing space with ACCESS.

·      Any grades could be considered for the move, but grades K‐1 are least likely to go to RCP
·      1st grade would likely move in whole or part to Fernwood
·      All other grades could move to Rose City Park, alone or in combination
·      Frees up 6-8 classrooms across both BCS campuses

 Survey Says
  • ·      59% said it’s the most beneficial
  • ·      21% said it’s the least beneficial

  • ·      Keeps the current community together and the kids with their friends. 
  • ·      Creates the most space at both campuses.  Lunchroom, Campfire, common space, classroom space.
  • ·      There will likely be boundary changes affecting many people and pulling them away from the BCS community.  Keep the current community together until PPS knows for sure where the boundaries will be. 
  • ·      Doesn’t spilt grades between locations.
  • ·      Many affected by this option (that may not be affected by the other options) are for this option if it means keeping the current community together. 
  • ·      Does not require PPS Board approval.
  • ·      Could mean shared programs with ACCESS.


  • ·      Logistics of 3 campuses seem difficult to manage (budget, transportation, administrative/staffing)
  • ·      Loss of community feel.
  • ·      Could mean moving for 2 years in a row (or more) for some kids with the broader district wide boundary review coming.
  • Better to move younger kids
  • ·      5-8 will move again during high school.    
  • ·      K-8 is good for older kids and the 6-8th this year were part of the transition to K-8.
  • ·      Disruptive to programs for some 6th graders who test up.
  • ·      Splitting 1st grade disrupts programs and 1st grade community
  • Better to move older kids
  • ·      K-4 won’t handle it as well as middle-schoolers, who are most independent. 
  • ·      Loss of Grant Helpers for K-1

Option #2
Assign some students to nearby schools based on address (temporary boundary change).

  • ·      Makes the Beverly Cleary boundary smaller for 2014‐15. Incoming kindergartners and students at Hollyrood who live in the boundary change area would move to another school next year. They would be allowed to remain at the new school through 8th grade, or could return to Beverly Cleary in the future.

Survey says:
·      19% said it’s the most beneficial
·      42% said it’s the least beneficial


  • ·      It’s temporary and keeps the current community together. 
  • ·      Reestablishes RCP as a neighborhood school.
  • ·      If the temporary boundary changes become permanently, the following year it creates less disruption over time.
  • ·      Doesn’t create the chaos of 3 campuses; programs, transportation, admin, expense.
  • ·      Less transportation issues than Option 1.


  • ·      Kids could move multiple years in a row if the new boundary is different than the temporary one.
  • ·      Creates friction in our community.
    • o   Pits “us” against “them” by address.
    • o   If temp becomes perm some would be “kicked out” of BCS
    • o   Concern that a boundary shift would move kids east of 47th out of the Grant Cluster when the long-term boundary adjustments are made.
  • ·      Could split families between 2 schools.
  • ·      In the example provided (W of 28th / E of 47th), 134 students who live inside the current BCS boundary are reassigned. However, the 92 non-resident BCS students are not affected.
  • ·      Kids who live 5 blocks from Fernwood would have to cross 2 busy streets to get to Irvington.
  • ·      We moved here to go to BCS, not somewhere else.
  • ·      It doesn’t go far enough to relieve the amount of pressure BCS is experiencing. 
  • ·      Why not more grades? 
  • ·      Still no room for Campfire and other enrichments at BCH.
  • ·      Would there be enough room for a cafeteria at BCH?
  • ·      Requires board approval.

Option 3
Cap enrollment, non‐neighborhood students transfer back to neighborhood schools.

  • ·      Kindergarten enrollment would be limited to 81 students next year (27 students x 3 classrooms), overflow students would be assigned through a lottery to nearby schools with space All new neighborhood students at other grades would be assigned to nearby schools with space.
  • ·      All non‐Beverly Cleary neighborhood students, except for those assigned for special education services, would move to their actual neighborhood schools next year.

Survey says:
·      21% said it’s the most beneficial
·      37% said it’s the least beneficial


  • ·      Less impact to fewer kids already at BCS. 
  • ·      Keeps neighborhood kids in the neighborhood school.  Seems the most fair to those that live in this neighborhood.
  • ·      Decreases class size.
  • ·      Doesn’t split the school into 3 campuses.
  • ·      Nothing or None


  • ·      This is the most divisive of the options.  It feels exclusive.
  • ·      It is unfair to those students who transferred in and followed the rules.
  • ·      Unfair to those who bought their house to go to BCS and may not make it into K because of a lottery.  Creates discontent among neighbors who “won” and who “lost” in the lottery. 
  • ·      Freeing up only 1-2 classrooms does not alleviate the problem.  Still may not have room for a cafeteria at Hollyrood. 
  • ·      Seems like it would inequitably affect kids of color.
  • ·      Requires PPS Board approval.
  • ·      Might cause people to hold back entering Kindergarten for a year which could create a massive Kindergarten class for 2015-16. 


After hearing tonight’s feedback:
¤ What additional ideas do you have to improve the options presented?
¤ Are there any things that should/shouldn’t be done when a solution is implemented? 

Prioritize your comments – select the most important to share with the larger group.  PPS will collect ALL comments and review them after the meeting. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

DWBRP and the Hollywood District

This letter has been, or will be sent to the PPS Board, Judy Brennan, Karl Logan, Bob Alexander, Sue Ann Higgins, Jon Isaacs and Carole Smith.  Raymond Saul, the author of this letter, does not have children at BCS but is a concerned neighbor and advocate for the Hollywood Neighborhood.  

January 22, 2014

RE: BCS Overcrowding

Dear Neighbors, PPS Board Members and Administrators:

Residents living within the eastern portions of the Beverly Cleary School (BCS) and Grant H.S. (GHS) districts ( i.e., the area between 47th and 57th Avenues) are concerned that the “short-term” fix for overcrowding at BCS for the 2014-15 school year will prejudice the determination of new permanent boundaries for both BCS and GHS by the District-wide Boundary Review Project (DWBRP). Unfortunately, our concern seems well-founded.

As you know, the DWBRP was launched in November 2013 and is slated to propose new boundaries for all schools for the 2015-16 school year. Judy Brennan, PPS Enrollment & Transfer Director, describes the purpose of the DWBRP is to undertake “a holistic, district-wide approach that intertwines with city and regional planning and goals will best serve our students and Portland as a whole.” (See,

We appreciate that PPS recognizes that delineation of school boundaries should be respectful of neighborhoods and supportive of city planning goals. The DWBRP process is the opportunity to do a comprehensive multi-faceted review of boundaries and facilities throughout the PPS system, with all options on the table. The ad hoc remedy for overcoming crowding next year at BCS should not be permitted short cut and subvert the DWBRP process.

To our dismay, PPS has indicated that the short-term BCS fix and long term plans for PPS buildings and boundaries will likely be linked.

For example, PPS has proposed four criteria for evaluating the 2014-15 BCS overcrowding relief options. One of the four states “Align resources needed for temporary change with long-term directions.” Though vaguely worded, it states that the choice of a short-term fix will not be independent of long-range planning considerations, and instead will try to anticipate the long term solutions to be proposed by DWBRP. (See,

In addition, Judy Brennan honorably and honestly admitted at the Jan. 16th BCS Community Meeting that “short-term boundary changes have a tendency to become permanent boundary changes.”
In fairness to the whole community, PPS should commit to allow the DWBRP to go forward without permitting the short-term fix for BCS to influence the determination of 1) permanent boundary changes for BCS and/or GHS, and/or 2) which buildings will be reactivated for permanent use. To accomplish this, PPS should discard the aforementioned selection criteria that attempts to link long term planning changes with the ad hoc short term solution for BCS overcrowding next year.

Similarly, to avoid prejudicing the DWBRP determinations, PPS should commit to discard any short-term plan for any “temporary” boundary changes at BCS next year.

Creating a temporary third BCS campus is likely the best short-term solution for overcrowding at BCS. However, we suggest that the best location for the third campus is Normandale Elementary School, not Rose City Park (RCP) School. Normandale is a single-story building similar to Hollyrood located adjacent to Frazer Park at NE 52nd and NE Pacific, five blocks south of Halsey.

Normandale is closer to the other BCS campuses and, unlike RCP, Normandale is within the GHS district. Normandale Elementary is currently used by Albina Head Start. Presumably, PPS has the right to terminate the lease when necessary to accommodate PPS enrollment. (Alternatively, perhaps Head Start is not using the whole building.)

Temporarily sending BCS students to RCP, which is within the Madison H.S. district, is likely to influence long term boundary changes for BCS and GHS. Therefore, ad hoc use of RCP by BCS students should be avoided, if possible.

Re-opening Normandale should be part of any long term plan to reduce overcrowding at either Laurelhurst School or Beverly Cleary. Similarly, if Roseway Heights School has an overcrowding problem, then the long term solution should be reactivation of the Charles Rice Elementary School, NE 64th and Tillamook, another single-story, Hollyrood-like building, not RCP.

We would suggest that the best future use of the RCP building is to create an eastside K-12 Metropolitan Learning Center (MLC). (See, This opportunity should be considered during the DWBRP process.

The existing well-regarded MLC is located in Northwest Portland. For more than 35 years it has provided an alternative experiential learning environment for a limited number of students. Creating a MLC-east at the RCP location would accomplish the following:
  1. Provide an alternative instructional environment that is convenient for east side families.
  2. Provide an alternative to the “large high school” experience currently available to east side families.
  3. Provide additional area capacity for grades K-12, thereby reducing enrollment at BCS and GHS on a voluntary basis.
  4. Provide GHS families a local high school alternative to the prospect of re-locating students to Marshall H.S. during the reconstruction of GHS (2017-2019).

As stated previously, the purpose of the DWBRP is to take “a holistic, district-wide approach that intertwines with city and regional planning and goals will best serve our students and Portland as a whole.” Therefore, the DWBRP should endeavor to avoid splitting the greater Hollywood District – a designated town center – into two high school districts.

With the possible exception of the area within the Sabin School District, the present Grant H.S. district boundary accurately delineates the “20-minute walking distance” that defines the Hollywood Town Center area. (See,

The eastern portion of the BCS/GHS district (47th to 57th Avenues) is closer in distance to Grant H.S. than Madison H.S.; and is fully integrated into the social and business life of the Hollywood District.

No ad-hoc solution for overcrowding at BCS next year should be permitted to influence or attempt to anticipate the final boundary changes that DWBRP will propose. That determination process has just begun.

Raymond Saul
Suzanne Briggs
2324 NE 56
th Avenue 
Portland, OR 97213 
raymondwsaul (at) 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beverly Cleary Short-Term Enrollment Relief Options: Questions/Comments from 1/16 Meeting

Beverly Cleary Short-Term Enrollment Relief Options: Questions/Comments from 1/16 Meeting
Grade structure
Why not move all of K-4 or 5 to RCP? New BCS on 2 campuses - Fernwood and RCP
Q2: Why not close Hollyrood temporarily and move K-2 to RCP?
A1 & 2: Last year, community members overwhelmingly opposed shifting K-1 out of Hollyrood. Furthermore, there is limited space for lower grades at Rose City Park, and some of that space would be shared with lower grades students from ACCESS. If option one moves forward, a team of building administrators, central office staff and community members will identify the best-case scenario for actual grades to make the move.
Q3: Why is it least likely that K-1 would move to Rose City? They can stay together there.
A3: Last year, community members overwhelmingly opposed shifting K-1 out of Hollyrood If first grade were to move next year, those students would be assured three schools in three years: K-Hollyrood (2013-14), 1-Rose City Park (2014-15), 2-Fernwood (2015-16). Finally, most ACCESS students are older than 1st grade, so there is less direct alignment for electives and other shared-opportunities. If option one moves forward, a team of building administrators, central office staff and community members will identify the best-case scenario for actual grades to make the move.
Q4: How does option 1 help Hollyrood?
A4: If two grades move from Fernwood to Rose City Park next year, 1st grade could move from Hollyrood to Fernwood. The result would be smaller kindergarten class sizes, the return to a dedicated cafeteria space, and more room for additional learning and support needs at Hollyrood.
Q5: How would moving 7th and 8th grade free up any ground floor classroom space at Fernwood?
Q6: Where are additional “ground floor” classrooms per code at Fernwood?
Q7: If 1st grade moves to Fernwood, are there enough rooms on the ground level at Fernwood for 2nd graders?
A5, 6& 7: Facilities staff are working on a response.
Q7: Can you pull data to see which grades have the most families with 2 kids in grades that could move together?
A7: Thank you for the suggestion. This step could be taken if option one moves forward.
Q8: Why not make a 1/2 split class or K/1 split to make more space?
A8: Blending grades is an option that can work very well in some instances. Blending grades may make more balanced class sizes, but it generally does not free up whole classroom spaces.
Q9: What is the maximum capacity of RCP?
Q10: What are the population constrains of the 3 proposed locations: Hollyrood, Fernwood, Rose City Park? How from an over enrollment by grade standpoint would they best be mapped with potential existing resources?
A9 & 10: Facilities staff are working on a response.
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Q11: Is Rose City Park school up to code, etc.?
Q12: How does seismic safety of RCP compare to other PPS facilities?
A11&12: Facilities staff are working on a response.
Q13: Why was RCP closed in 2007?
A13: In May 2006, the school board voted to consolidate and reconfigure more than 20 school to address shrinking enrollment and improve academic outcomes for students. According to reports from those meetings, Rose City Park was selected for consolidation with Gregory Heights Middle School, leading to the closure of the RCP building, because it was not ADA accessible and had more facility improvement needs than other schools in the area.
Q14: Can you elaborate on “professional development” limitations?
A14: When staff is spread across campuses, the time it takes to bring them together diminishes the time they have for learning together. That includes weekly staff meetings, monthly late opening and other opportunities.
Q15: Is PPS committed to funding option 1 including – additional staff: PE teachers, certified librarians, library books, art/music teachers, additional administrator?
Q16: Would there be a dedicated BCS administrator on site?
Q17: Would we have librarians, VP's, counselors?
Q18: Will the district provide additional FTE to help cover travel time for elective staff between sites? Q19: If we have more classrooms and can spread out kids do we get more teachers to make class sizes smaller?
Q20: Will adding a 3rd campus cost more money? Will this come out of existing money and altering teacher FTE or will additional funding will be provided?
Q21: Do they get extra electives – moving to RCP – Gym? Art?
Q22: Would there be 3 libraries?
Q23: If grades 7 & 8 moved to RCP, how would electives for remaining 6th graders at Fernwood be handled?
Q24: How would elective choices be affected for the 7th or 8th graders if they moved to Rose City? A15-24: Students who move to Rose City Park would have access to library and electives, similar to those at the Fernwood campus. If option one moves forward, a team of building administrators, central office staff and community members will identify the best-case scenario for actual grades to make the move, and the programming for students on all campuses. Any additional resources to manage the three campus change would be requested through the annual staffing and budget process and would be subject to Superintendent and School Board approval.
Q25: Explain: What is the ACCESS program? How would it affect the grades to move to RCP?
Q26: Which grade level (s) would emotionally be a better fit with ACCESS students (is age a factor when it comes to being comfortable with kids designated as "gifted"?
A25-26: ACCESS Academy is a district-wide PPS alternative program for highly gifted students in grades 1-8. ACCESS accepts students who score at the 99th percentile or above on nationally-normed tests of
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math, reading, and/or cognitive ability, and who have a demonstrated need for an alternative
program. ACCESS currently serves 243 1st-8th graders from throughout PPS (136 in grades 1-5; 107 in grades 6-8). ACCESS expects to grow to about 300-310 students in 2014-15, primarily through the addition of another 3rd-grade section and about 25 additional 6th-graders. Until this year, ACCESS was co-housed with Sabin K-8 in northeast Portland. ACCESS has been thrilled this year to enjoy expanded space at the Rose City Park building. ACCESS families and staff fully expect to share the RCP space in 2014-15 and beyond, and are anxious to explore some potential benefits of space-sharing and co- location.
As a Grade 1-8 program, ACCESS staff and families are familiar with the needs of both elementary and middle grades students. We are open to sharing space with students from any grades K-8, though we understand there are logistical issues to work through depending on grade level. As far as "getting to know" ACCESS's population of gifted students, ACCESS has grown primarily at 3rd and 6th grades each of the last two years. Therefore, our staff and families are experienced at welcoming and introducing ACCESS students to BOTH elementary and middle grades students.
Q27: Campfire in all locations?
A27: ACCESS has started the process of selecting a child care provider on the Rose City Park campus. Should option one move forward, staff and parents from both schools will work together on establishing a child care program that best meet the needs of all families involved.
Q28: Would option #1 put any limitations on entry of new K students?
A28: No. If two grade levels move to Rose City Park for the 2014-15 school year, there is no need to limit the number of kindergartners entering Beverly Cleary next year.
Q29: Would you keep a school (Hollyrood) open in the future if it only has Kindergarten?
A29: The options under consideration are for the 2014-15 school year, only. A long-term solution to overcrowding, including the best future use for the Hollyrood building, will be developed through the upcoming district-wide boundary review process.
COMMENTS (Some stated in the form of questions)
  • You cannot shift part of first grade to BCF. This would dismount our very successful walk to Read program as well as other academic programs. If first grade is to move it needs to be all or nothing.
  • Splitting the 1st grade classrooms is NOT community!
  • Don't like splitting a grade between buildings. This seems the best option #1.
  • Do not split up a grade if students go to RCP.
  • I think splitting a grade level between two campuses would be near impossible for a
    team to maintain connection/community for staff and students.
  • Move whole grades to RCP with ACCESS. I like this option for a number of reasons,
    but the least palatable is the idea of splitting 1st grade (I guess, actually that happens
    around the City anyway...) what would it take to keep 1st graders together?
  • Splitting 1st grade doesn’t seem like an insurmountable option – but would you
    consider just moving one grade to reduce the number of kids impacted? Also seems like the impact should be focused on kids not impacted by Grant closure...
  • How are we going to do school-wide events being on 3 campuses?
  • Concern - 3 kids at 3 campuses!!! Yikes!
  • 2nd graders are already planning to move to a new building , so RCP would be a less
    disruptive move.
  • I don't agree that this keeps the community united. Why did they close RCP and
    forced those families to come to BCS? Isn't this part of the reason for the problem?
    Not just our "popularity"?
  • Move some grades to RCP. As a one-year solution moving 7 and 8 wouldn't be
    horrible (I have a 6th grader now) if they had good staff and maybe sweeten deal with ACCESS program inclusion. They are most independent, on bikes, walking, most grown up.
  • If you move 2 graders to RCP, please make sure they are contiguous grades (e.g., 2-3 rather than 1-4). I feel strongly about this both for program purposes and because it is more child-centered (socially they want to be with peers/near pears)
  • Students who live in the BCS neighborhood would be displaced (potentially) by students who may be transfers or grandfathered in after moving out. The "current community" would be difficult to maintain on 3 campuses.
  • Logistics of child care and transportation (start time?), Camp Fire? Are so important to our families. This is too hard to judge without knowing that information. This affects my career. Questions - child care, transportation, start times, safety.
  • Need to provide transportation as RCP is no longer a walkable distance.
  • #1 introduces safety concerns by increasing traffic and a number of car trips.
  • Provide Campfire at all campuses. NOT in favor of splitting grades. Like the space
    casement (lunchroom, library, gym).
  • This option would split Campfire up even further if 2 & 3 go to RCP. Seems
    unsustainable for that reason and staff will be stretched super thin. Will the benefit
  • Does not keep community together. Eliminates K-8 philosophy. Staff stretched –
    older/younger interactions? We already have had kids at 3 locations – difficult
    transport. Doesn’t necessarily keep all kids together in one grade.
  • 7 and 8 to RCP could be really great! Access to ACCESS electives, support, etc.
  • Excellent option. Grades 7 and 8 would be optimal – no need for child care
    considerations, great opportunities for synergy with electives.
  • Why not move just 7th and 8th grade to RCP? There are still some middle schools in
  • Have you considered not having the current 6th and 7th grade students move to Rose
    City? The reason is because they will already disrupted for two years during the Grant
  • I think opening up the RCP as a “campus” of Beverly Cleary... Why not treat it like a
    “Jr High” and have 7th and 8th graders at RCP Campus of Beverly Cleary?
  • Would you consider moving one grade to RCP to be the least disruptive to the fewest number of kids (2nd grade)? I’m concerned if we move 7 and 8 that would give precedent to creating a permanent middle school – BOO!
  • I would rather keep the mid school intact at one school. How will I manage 3 kids at 3 schools? How will I get them there?
  • Please remember that some grades are going to be sent to Marshall for 2 out of 4 of their high school year. Please don’t disrupt those kids further.
  • If third campus, moving 7th and 8th to RCP would create an almost middle school like atmosphere – which would not be a terrible situation. Def. move all of 1st to Fernwood.
  • I know ACCESS kids are at RCP, but if they can be moved around within the building, can there be enough ground floor space for the littlest kids? Is this the issue? It seems more disruptive to move kids already attending the two existing BCS campuses.
  • Seems like 7 and 8th graders going to RCP would be most feasible.
  • Our Kindergartners were stuffed in Cafeteria last year. Why didn't they benefit from
    this? UNITED yet DIVIDED. Makes more sense to cap and set boundaries than to shift everything around. This is the least desirable for most families. If our 2nd graders go to RCP, where do they go for 3rd?
  • The Hollyrood campus seems like a luxury.
  • Would it make sense to close Hollyrood and use the Fernwood and RCP buildings, 2
    sites again?
  • Will RCP ever re-open as a neighborhood school? Seems like this would solve our
  • At first this option seems the best - moving oldest kids who are independent could
    work well. Does this accommodate continued growth best? Whatever we set up now
    well set a precedent for district wide.
  • My preference is for this option.
  • I think it's imperative to keep the BC community together.
  • How can we evaluate this as a choice without knowing which grades would move?
    Why can't we know now whether 1st grade would be split?
  • Why is re-opening RCP just a temporary option? It seems this is a long-term solution
    for our community, not a short-term one. But I'm concerned about my child being a part of a school with new un-tested administration. For older grades, there is already sharing w/Grant - not possible if shifting to RCP.
  • Regardless of which option is chosen, shouldn't all kids who no longer live in the BCS neighborhood return to their neighborhood schools?
  • Suggestion: 7 and 8 at RCP. Kids could walk home from there or take a bus back to Fernwood to help parents with multiple kids at multiple campuses
  • Does this decision set precedent as a litmus test of sorts for permanent redistricting of boundaries?
  • Should consider equities of disruption on various grades including those most impacted by Grant move. Want to avoid zig zagging of Hollyrood to Fernwood to Rose City to Fernwood. Make a more sensible decision.
  • Option 1 seems best for the community - seems most fair to move 2-3 as these kids will not be impacted by Grant HS remodel move. Also seems like great solution for campfire. Please value Campfire in decision.
  • Safety - Operating three campuses will increase travel # of car trips that are bound to increase # of accidents to our children. So will there be shuttles, buses or walking to minimize vehicle traffic ?
  • Move 7th 8th grade to Rose City Park? This was the structure I experienced having 2 yrs. of a smaller more intimate experience with my classmates in that age group . My time in a bldg. that housed grades 9-12.
  • The 4th - 8th graders will move during the HS re-model. It's fair to spread the burden and move younger kids who will benefit from the new bldg.
  • Parent who is also a teacher has taught in K-5 & K-8, moving 7th & 8th graders to RCP would be more like a middle school model. Works as well as K-5 model does not think K-8 model works as well.
  • Would not work to split 1st grade between two campuses. Existing programs couldn't continue.
    So kids would "temporarily" move to either a different neighborhood school (Roseway Heights or Irvington) or Rose City Park... and then be moved AGAIN the following year with a permanent boundary change?
    A30: Students who move to another school would be guaranteed a space at that school through the highest grade. They would also have the option to change to a different school if their boundary is realigned.
    Q31: Would the temporary boundary selected be likely to become permanent when redistricting occurs?
    Q32: What do you mean by temporary boundary change? Isn't there any way to project 2 years out so families can plan for the future?
    Q33: Why not make the "permanent" boundary change now? Why does every decision have to be so short-term?
    A31-33: It is hard to say what the long-term outcome will be. Other school communities will be involved in coming up with a larger, more regional plan for balancing enrollment at numerous schools, not just Beverly Cleary.
    Q34: Can boundary change occur next year?
    Q35: Can we open a school in half a year and give us the same quality?
    Q36: If RCP was to have a neighborhood component class for younger students how could you control quality for this plan?
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A34-36: Yes, boundary change can be implemented next fall if approved by the Superintendent and School Board. There are multiple ways that boundary change could take place, all of which involve Beverly Cleary students joining another intact population: In two scenarios, students would join another active K-8 school, Irvington or Roseway Heights. Another scenario is that a new neighborhood school could start at Rose City Park, joining the ACCESS Academy. Because ACCESS is at RCP now, the neighborhood program would not be starting from scratch.
Q37: If RCP re-opened, would it be a K-8 eventually or feed into Fernwood?
Q38: If RCP were to become a neighborhood school which high school would it feed into?
Q39: If kids (47th east) were sent to RCP would it be a new school or would it be a BC school?
A37-39: If option two moves forward, it will be a temporary change, only. Other school communities
will be involved in coming up with a larger, more regional plan for balancing enrollment at numerous schools, not just Beverly Cleary. The actual configuration of Rose City Park and other schools in the area, along with high school feeder patterns, will be an outcome of that larger process. Historically, NE 57
th has been the boundary division between Grant and Madison high schools
Q40: I realize east of 47th is only an example, but please explain the number of students you arrived at. There appears to be over 200 students east of 47th.
Q41: Are 78 kids across all grade?
A40-41: The Beverly Cleary data pack map shows the total number of K-8 students who attend any public school and reside in each portion of the BCS neighborhood. The estimated impact of a boundary change to Roseway Heights or Rose City Park is based on the total number of students who live in that area and attend grades K-2 at Beverly Cleary this year.
Q42: Would this be expensive for infrastructure, teachers, lunch rooms, library, principal, etc. ?
Q43: If there is the prospect of a "starter school at RCP”, would electives, childcare, etc. be immediately available?
A42-43: If a boundary change occurs to an existing school, staffing would be adjusted to include new students in the current programs. If boundary change resulted in a “starter school” at RCP, a collaborative process would commence with ACCESS to determine the best way to provide full program and support services to all students on the campus. If needed, requests for additional resources would be made through the annual staffing and budget process and would be subject to Superintendent and School Board approval.
Q44: Does RCP have after school program?
Q45: If sent to RCP or Irvington would decision be made in time for Camp Fire parents to sign up? Or guarantee a spot at new school?
A44-45: ACCESS Academy is currently in the process of selecting an aftercare provider for next year. If option two moves forward, every effort will be made to complete the decision-making process in time to support child care sign-up and other important student support decisions.
Q46: What are Roseway Heights and Irvington projections - are we creating a new overcrowding problem?
Q47: How would this affect the other schools that the grades would "temporarily" attend? Would this bring those schools to overcrowding issues? For example, Irvington.
Q48: What is the available capacity at Gregory Heights? By population? By Class levels?
A46-48: Answer in development
Q49: Why limit it to K-2 students?
Q50: Please clarify which students? Current K, 1 (13-14) plus future Kindergarten? Or just K-1 in 14-15? A49-50: The examples for option two were modeled with grades K-2, to limit the number of students who would have to move to a different school next year. The models assumed students in a boundary change area who are currently attending Hollyrood (K-1) or will be new to Hollyrood next year would attend a different school next year.
Q51: Do we know this solution could hold through the 2015-16 boundary change process?
Q52: What if this does not resolve issue the following year?
A51-52: The temporary boundary change is intended as a solution for the 2014-15 school year only. Q53: I was unclear on how RCP would collect those "new" students who may come east of 47th? Please explain.
Q54: If you live on 28th which school would our child attend?
Q55: Is Roseway Heights for East of whatever the only option? Rigler?
Q56: Why is PPS considering Roseway Heights for this option?
Q57: Who determines if it is Roseway Heights or RCP?
Q58: How were boundaries selected? The two options each free up different numbers of students. It would seem more fair if the number of students freed were equal (would seem less arbitrary).
A53-58: Boundary change scenarios are examples only. If option two moves forward, actual boundary lines would be determined through a process involving other school communities. Roseway Heights is a K-8 school next to the Beverly Cleary school with some available capacity for additional students . The School Board would make the final boundary decision and assign students in some grade levels from the boundary area to a different school next year.
Q59: Can you ensure families would get all their kids in one place?
Q60: Would siblings be considered to be able to stay if they have brothers/sisters at Fernwood? Would have multiple campuses for families.
A59-60: PPS policy allows siblings to remain together following boundary change.
Q61: What about kids (K-2) currently outside the BCS boundary? Do they transfer to their neighborhood school?
A61: Students in other neighborhoods have the right to return to their neighborhood school at any time. However, option two, as proposed, does not require non-BCS neighborhood students to return to their neighborhood schools.
Q62: Why would we allow student to stay to the highest grade? Seems unnecessary and problematic. A62: Current PPS policy allows students affected by boundary change to attend their new school through the highest grade.
Q63: Would you consider creating a BCS only class, intact, at the other existing school (Irvington, Roseway Heights)? Or merge kids in with other classes so they would be in community?
A63: Instead of holding separate classes for BCS students, it is most likely that they would be merged into classrooms with other students from the new school.
Q64: Would we know by Feb. 2014 decision whether going to RCP or Roseway?
A64: If option two moves forward, every effort would be made to conduct a boundary change process and make a decision as soon as possible. That timeframe may extend beyond February into early spring 2014.
Q65: Are there race and/or socio-economic ramifications for moving west and/or east? Doesn't it mostly create a rich neighborhood?
A65: Race and socio-economic characteristics will be considered in an actual boundary change process, if option two moves forward.
Q66: Would any teachers go to RCP or will these students get new, sub-par teachers and staff?
A66: In many cases, teachers have the right to follow students to their new neighborhood school. However, actual staffing decisions would depend on the number of students impacted by the boundary change, and contractual details.
Q67: Why is there a contradiction from last years meeting? It was stated last year that boundary changes would not fix our problem. Tonight the opposite. How boundary change will correct and this will only affect 2014/15?
A67: Boundary change was not considered last year, as it is usually an action that leads to long-term change. Short-term boundary change is a very unusual form of enrollment relief. Because last year’s facility solution did not fully resolve the problem, staff is now proposing a broader range of options for change.
COMMENTS (Some stated in the form of questions)
  • Any boundary change should be part of a long-term change. I like the idea of having a neighborhood component at Rose City Park through option #2.
  • Boundary shift would be hard as a temp fix. This would have the biggest impact on the kids which we need to be most sensitive to.
  • You stated this is a temporary option. It appears all are.
  • This option seems the best because boundary change is inevitable.
  • Not knowing where PPS is on the permanent, boundary change, it does not seem that option
    2 coupled with permanent changes in the future makes sense. Can you do this temp
    boundary change to align with most likely future changes?
  • I don't believe (you) that this will be temporary - I just don't. I thought Roseway Heights is
    FULL? Is it? This option stinks!
  • It is really important to make this with a more long term view even though it's considered a
    short term solution.
  • Concern with temporary boundary change. Creates feeder pattern.
  • Temp Boundary Change disrupts the community more than moving student to RCP (option 1).
  • Poor idea -temporarily disruptive, and probably will effect HS boundaries. Really hard on kids
    in schools in families.
  • As a family that would not be disrupted by this, it seems like a terrible idea because it may
    potentially (or very likely) split families into two separate communities. Also, thought the caveat is "temporary", this is more likely to become permanent. Benefits seem very small, very short-sighted solution. Also more students could be entering due to new types of housing.
  • My concern is that this change would be permanent and not temporary, which would really

tear apart our lovely BCS community. This is the worst option!
  • Wouldn't moving older children who have had the benefit of this high quality education to a
    smaller scale Jr. high be a smooth transition since they have years of training as well as unique
    need for HS preparation?
  • Option 2 seems to result in a single class of K, 1 and/or 2 at RCP. That seems to create a
    serious lack of "community" within those grades.
  • The options PPS presents are not the only options. If they were, Hollyrood would have been
    closed along with RCP.
  • We lose neighborhood/community connectivity of children in our neighborhood. Some kids
    would go to Fernwood. Some kids to Rose City/Irvington - very disruptive to a neighborhood
    connection for kids.
  • We think reopening RCP to K-2 would be less disruptive to BCS as a whole than option 1.
    Much less.
  • More info on sibling provisioning. Boundaries must be defined prior to decisions.
  • Boundary change seems to be the best logical choice. Population growth can support going
    back to old boundaries. But if it won't support a long term solution for overcrowding it
    obviously won't work.
  • Property values, people moved here specifically for children to attend BCS -unfair to them.
  • Sending new + young students west of 57th "back" to RCP makes sense. Sandy Blvd. is a real
    border - kids are unlikely to walk/bike all the way over to 33rd. Walking to RCP would be
  • There was already a RCP school and PPS closed it. NOW there is a mess.
  • What about Sandy Blvd as a border. Safety issues crossing a busy street.
  • This option seems more disruptive to the community as a whole. However, it might make
    sense for families with multiple kids.
  • Potentially gets back to the old problem of elementary student attending Madison feeder but
    being a part of Grant.
  • Just changing grades K-2 does not seem to free up enough space. Maybe K-5?
  • Many of your changes seem too conservative and may need revising again.
  • Sounds like option 2a:Irvington, 2b. 47th - RCP, 2c. 47th - RWH so my preference, reaction
    varies by the option!
  • If you do it across grades K-5 it frees up more space.
  • Confirm - no impact to 3-8 kids? Do not impact older kids.
  • Like option of program start @ RCP Must reopen RCP as a neighborhood school.
  • Awful - very disruptive!
  • A huge benefit of this option is that it reestablishes a neighborhood school component to
    RCP. What about the option of including (some) older grades. That would provide more relief
    AND create strong neighborhood component.
  • Too divisive.
  • New K-2 with 78 students at RCP? That needs way more definition to be a real option for
  • Shifting those east of 47th would have less of an impact if they shifted to RCP not Roseway Heights. Too hard to assimilate into an already established school.
  • Imperative as a community to avoid option #2/Temporary boundary change. Need to stick together as a neighborhood.
  • RCP is a good option, but I do not want to trek to Roseway. Please make it clear if RCP or Roseway.
  • This option does not seem particularly effective or efficient.
  • Creating 1K, 1 1st and 1 2nd grade classroom by themselves at RCT (W/ACCESS) would be
    challenging for teachers to create curriculum for their students as there would be no opportunities for grade level colleagues to collaborate. If there is a boundary change it needs to be to a school that allows grade levels to be together.
  • This sounds like a really disruptive solution - hearing current K-1 students move to a different school for one year and then return. Unless you are planning to make RCP a neighborhood school (again!) then this option should not be considered.
  • As a staff member, option 2 creates less program disruptions.
  • Option 2 is a great deal of upheaval for our kids - moving into an establish community and
    perhaps moving back to BCS.
  • Terrible option for the kids. It puts them with few others all alone in a new school.
  • I would not mind RCP but Roseway Heights is very far NE, comparatively, and it doesn't have a
    great reputation for academics.
  • If we are going to change our boundary for the long term solution. Maybe rip off the band aid
    now if it will become permanent anyway? Not much bang for your buck?
  • Terrible, terrible idea. Also seems unlawful given that the Board might approve boundary
  • I purchased my house with the expectation that my children would go to Beverly Cleary &
    Grant High. This change could also affect the desirability of my neighborhood, property
    values, etc. Children will be shuffled to multiple schools with different kids..etc..
  • If option 2 is the "solution" this effects the education of our children from K-8 and then again in high school. This boundary change puts our children in a disadvantaged position regarding
    their educations. If you are east of 47th the kids would also be put in Madison High School. This would affect the values of our homes which threatens our financial outlooks and our children's educations.
  • Teachers and staff should bear out the effects of this not the kids.
  • Frees up the least classrooms
  • The geographic solution ignores income and diversity in peers and would likely decrease
  • West of 28th families will leave and go to private school. Can't make decisions without
    knowing provisions for siblings.
  • How can PPS consider putting Fernwood kids into Rose City if you remember the closing of
    Rose City School - there was not good feelings between these two groups in the same neighborhood. Now we are going to move into their school very bad for our community
feeling and love
Q68: When the boundary changes happen permanently, will the kids who have transferred in be then forced to move?
Q69: For families that live in the BCS boundary: If kindergartner was transferred, would they be able to return to BCS after district boundary change?
A68-69: Option three is a change from current board policy, which allows students to complete a school to the highest grade. If option three moves forward, details such as who the options would effect and for how long would be have to determined.
Q70: How many kids per grade 2-8 would this mean if " non Beverly Cleary neighborhood" kids were assigned back to their neighborhood school?
Q71: Would that free up enough classrooms at Fernwood? "Are out of attendance area" students spread out by grade level or more prevalent in a few grades?
Q72: How many students are transfer students?
A70-72: Enrollment by grade and neighborhood shown below:
Q73: What is this soonest a kindergarten lottery could be completed? And students reassigned. A73: If option three moves forward, every effort would be made to complete the kindergarten assignment process by early spring 2014.
Q74: Could PPS/BC give preference to incoming K students who have siblings already enrolled at BC?
A74: PPS policy provides lottery preference to siblings. It is highly likely that would extend to a neighborhood kindergarten lottery for Beverly Cleary. However, that detail would have to be approved by the School Board if option three moves forward.
Q75: Will there be a say in where the kids would go?
A75: If option three moves forward, a brief process would occur to determine other choices for BCS neighborhood kindergarten students next year. Community input would be included in that process. Q76: We live 3 blocks from the school, have a child going into 2nd grade, and an incoming kindergartener. Would my kindergartener go into the lottery?
A76: Yes, if option three moves forward and receives approval from the Superintendent and School Board, a lottery would be held for next year’s BCS kindergarten slots. It is highly likely that preference would be given to siblings, in line with current PPS transfer policy.
Q77: Why can't we keep 4 K classes? Limit enrollment to neighborhood still?
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A77: In order to limit Hollyrood to seven active classrooms next year, there could only be three kindergartens next year, as there are currently four 1st grade classrooms (with enough students to qualify for a 5th classroom).
Q78: Can option 2 be combined with the part of option 3 to their neighborhood schools?
A78: Yes, portions of each type of change could be combined.
Q79: Doesn't 27 kinders make a new class?
A79: In most cases, PPS kindergartens are staff for 25 students to one teacher. However, overcrowded schools can have larger class sizes, and qualify for educational assistants to support teachers in the classroom.
Q80: Could enrollment in grades k-2 be capped, while enrollment in upper grades not be capped? (Non-neighborhood students in upper grades would not be required to move to their neighborhood schools.)
Q81: How does this resolve space issues at Fernwood?
A80-81: Yes, however there would be no chance of creating more space for students on the Fernwood campus. There are currently three 2nd grades at Fernwood, but there will be four 2nd grades next year, so it is imperative that options to flexibly change space be available at Fernwood. Q82: Is the school board likely to approve this option? Has it been vetted?
A82: The school board will be briefed on all options on January 21, and will receive updates on a regular basis. Staff can’t guess what the outcome will be, but will make every effort to craft proposals with the community that will be approved by the Board.
Q83: Does this mean that you will "crack down" on older students who do not live in the boundary? I personally know of 2, 2nd graders using false addresses to attend BCS.
A83: If option three moves forward, all current BCS students will be asked to provide proof of residence this spring. Students who do not live in the Beverly Cleary neighborhood (except for students assigned for special education services) will be assigned to their actual neighborhood school next year.
Q84: How would this affect teaching staff?
A84: If option three goes forward, staff changes would be determined during the annual staffing/budget process.
Q85: Why wouldn't we take the non-resident students out in every option? Or first before all else? Would you allow mid-year enrollment based on attrition?
A85: Parts of option three could be combined with other options. If option three moves forward, details would have to be worked out, including whether the enrollment cap could be lifted at any point in the 2014-15 school year.
Q86: Could other grades also be capped and utilize a lottery?
A86: It would be highly disruptive to lottery students out of existing grades and into other schools. However, it is possible. At a minimum, staff proposes that no new students be added to grades 1-8. Q87: This one is confusing. I don't understand. If they aren't in our neighborhood, why are they going here anyway? What constitutes " neighborhood school"?
A87: There are a number of students who attend Beverly Cleary because it was their neighborhood school in a prior year, and they have since moved to a different neighborhood. Their siblings have
been allowed to come in to Beverly Cleary since then. And there are some students who began at Beverly Cleary when transfer slots were available.
COMMENTS (Some stated in the form of questions)
  • Yuck! Too many contingencies, like whether siblings have preference in the lottery. Not enough movement of students of BCF(i.e. no class/grade has enough students removed to open a classroom up)
  • We've been told for several years that we are a no transfer school yet we do have transfer (siblings, hardship) To be fair all these transfers should be cancelled not just some, at all grades. The charts show a large number of transfers - 6 transfer just in kinder would have kinder year at 27/28.
  • No Thanks!
  • If this is the option selected, I would urge you to give preference to students with siblings
    already at BCS.
  • At least with this option, kids don't have to move 2-3 times. They could stay at the school that
    they lottery into. Best option. There are not that many overflow students.
  • You cannot boot kids who are part of this school. How would this improve #'s ? You would
    remove a handful of kids from each grade. The people impacted area as much a part of this
    community as anyone. Doesn't fix for next year.
  • This is the fairest option and seems to make the most sense. Yes, relief may be smaller than the
    other 2 options would provide but according to PPS , this "relief" is only needed for 1 year
    before boundary changes are made. Definitely the most painless option.
  • Solution does not seem adequate enough; perhaps should be implemented anyway for fairness,
    but in conjunction with other options that have a more meaningful impact.
  • This option doesn't solve any problems. I don't understand why this is even really considered at
    Fernwood or even at Hollyrood.
  • Sounds wrong to have to lottery to go to your own neighborhood school.
  • Yes. Option 3 seems fair. It seems completely untenable to keep grandfathering in students
    who have moved out of the neighborhood.
  • It seems that Portland is in a long-term growth period. On top of that there are areas of this
    neighborhood that are under construction ( more condos, taking large lots and putting two homes where there used to be one) It seems that there should be a more significant consideration for a long term solution that will accommodate for the least short term disruption to those students in the system as well as those just entering. On top of it all many people have spent considerable time, energy and resources to be in the Beverly Cleary Pipeline. How can they be taken care of and provide the best education for the kids?
  • This option seems manifestly unfair to people with young children moving into the neighborhood. Cutting students from outside the boundary is a fine idea.
  • Don't like this process/option. Need to confirm students are residents of the neighborhood, this currently is not happening.
  • Is the best option. If not this then option #1.
  • 27 students in kindergarten is still too many students. It does not allow for adequate and
    sufficient instruction. Doesn't 27 kinders make a new class?
  • The empty classroom would be filled by a 5th and 1st grade. There would still be no open
    spaces at Hollyrood.
  • This is the 2nd worst option regarding the disruption to the BCS community. Families who live
    in the current boundary shouldn't have to lottery their kindergartener for neighborhood school.
    Siblings must be considered!
  • As harsh as it is it only seems fair that those who move to other neighborhoods can no longer
    attend BCS. Many of us make sacrifices to stay in this neighborhood. However, doesn't seem
    like it sufficiently solves problems. Capping enrollment for K doesn't sound right!
  • Not fair next year's 1st graders to keep classes so big.
  • Lack of clarity as to where " lottery" kids would go makes it difficult to assess impact.
  • This option is troubling - the idea of moving kids already at BC ( but not in the neighborhood in
    via transfer) is so disruptive to those students and families. Possible long term ramifications
    without the resulting relief needed.
  • K lottery seems unfair. Also this would sound better if it was definitely going to provide enough
  • This is impossible to police and enforce. This is divisive and puts neighbor against neighbor.
    Seems like huge nasty effort w/out reach and enforcement for very little effect.
  • Capping enrollment slots not even worthy of a question.
  • Will create a hunger games mentality about who gets in first, second. Division instead of
    community building.
  • It’s a logistical and administrative nightmare for those who don't get in through the lottery.
  • Don’t support this idea but need to think about: Preference for siblings. Makes sense here - try
    to disrupt as few families as possible. When would lottery happen? Families need time to plan -
    transport, aftercare, prepare third incoming K students.
  • I don't understand how there hasn't been an enrollment cap - there is only a finite amount of
    space in the schools - this might work in the long term combined with a boundary change.
  • Logistics, coordination, equality seems overwhelming. Option 1 seems most logical.
  • Option 3 most fair to existing students minimum disruption to them. BCS should not have kids
    from other neighborhoods - No room! Short term solution is ok - long term coming with
    boundary changes
  • Seems like another way of offering Option TWO, because it seems like there are many students
    in the east/west boundary area who are still as of this and area in the BCS community who
    would not be coming in. Lottery blind? Or sibling preference?
  • Please please please have sibling preference if enrollment is capped. Please
  • Feels very difficult for kindergarteners pick on those not yet engaged. Especially hard for
  • Students on transfer need to return to NH school who are attending BC.
Would option 1 or 2 allow for the sibling of a current non-NH BCS student to attend BCS next year for kindergarten?
A88: It is not likely that additional, non-neighborhood siblings would be allowed to attend BCS next year, due to extreme overcrowding. However, that decision will be made by Principal Geist and Regional Administrator Logan later this spring.
Q89: Student achievement was not mentioned. Can you please speak to this concern and how the option on the table specifically address student achievement?
A89: Response in development
Q90: How much will this cost of any of these changes be a factor in the decision?
A90: It is too early to determine potential costs for any type of change. However, it is clear that additional transportation will be needed if Beverly Cleary neighborhood students are assigned to schools more than one mile from their residence. Additional staff may need to be allocated, depending on staffing needs at BCS and other schools. Any requests for additional resources would be made during the upcoming staffing/budget process, and would require approval from the Superintendent and School Board.
Q91: Why not waive the usual permitting procedure for portables?
A91: Facilities staff are working on a response.
Q92: Where are we in the process of long-term growth management. Can we share information now so it can be considered in connection with short-term 1st year changes?
Q93: Are you sure other boundary decision will be made by 2015-16?
A92-93: PPS has partnered with the PSU Center for Public Service to plan and carry out a district- wide boundary review process. The PSU team is currently conducting an assessment phase, and will be reporting to the Superintendent and School Board a boundary review plan in March. Initial timeframe for the boundary review is Spring-Summer 2014, which will include numerous opportunities for public engagement. A draft boundary map could be ready for final input and Superintendent and School Board vote in fall 2014. The Board has signaled that this is a high priority for action. Once approved, new boundaries and other changes would begin to take effect in September 2015.
Q94: Would it be easier to address the boundary issue this year if were moving in that direction for 2015?
Q95: How is this working to accommodate where longer term solutions are going?
A94-95: It makes sense to try and align the short-term decision with the desired long-term outcome. However, there are other schools in the region experiencing overcrowding and program growth. The long-term decisions must solve multiple concerns across many schools. It is not reasonable or appropriate to design a long-term solution now, in isolation of other schools and communities.
Q96: What about an opt-in process to seed one each K-1 classroom at RCP? Likely to draw people who live close by or are otherwise more accepting of the option.
A96: While a voluntary effort to reduce overcrowding is more palatable than mandatory change, it is not likely to provide the full scale of relief needed across both Beverly Cleary building next year. Q97: Is next year too soon to open Rose City? It seems like there is a neighborhood population to support it.
A97: Rose City Park is home to the ACCESS Academy. Prior to that, Marysville K-8 school was located at Rose City Park for two years while fire damage was repaired at that school. There are several hundred more neighborhood students living in the areas near Rose City Park School since the decision was made in 2006 to consolidate it with Gregory Heights Middle School.
Q98: I've heard Beaumont MS has space; might we send 8th grades there?
A98: Beaumont MS is full at this time. Two years ago, the Rigler neighborhood and Spanish Immersion program were added as feeders to Beaumont, and now the school has very limited space for transfers.
Q99: Can we put additional portables @ Grant for 8th graders?
A99: Shifting 8th graders to Grant would cause significant program change for those students, and would require conditional use review by the City of Portland. PPS leaders have concluded that this option does not meet the stated criteria for a effective temporary enrollment relief at Beverly Cleary next year.
Q100: Why was decision to make BCS K-8? (Wasn't here then) Wouldn't turning the school back to K-5, 6-8 (Rose City Park) work?
A100: In 2006, PPS consolidated and changed grade structures at more than 20 schools, in order to address shrinking enrollment and low student achievement. Grade configurations across the district are likely to be a topic for discussion in the upcoming district-wide boundary review.
Q101: When long term boundary changes happens, will existing BC students be grandfathered in? A101: There is no certainty that boundary change will be the long-term change for Beverly Cleary. If boundary change is approved, current Board policy allows existing students to remain at their current school. However, policy may be revised to accelerate change for seriously overcrowded schools.
Q102: Why is the 2014 -15 enrollment projected so low relative to all previous years? Does this create a risk that the solution being sought will not be adequate if enrollment is higher than projected?
A102: It is not clear why there was a marked difference between actual and forecast students last year. One reason is that kindergarten is the hardest grade level to predict. Another kindergarten related factor is the difficulty of accurately estimating the portion of students born within a year who will be eligible for kindergarten five years later because their birthday falls before September 1.
Staff at the PSU Population Research Center are currently reviewing enrollment and revising forecasts. Given the degree of unpredictability in recent years, it makes sense to free up more than the minimum number of classrooms needed.
Q103: What about F.T.E. would Hollyrood lose a kindergarten teacher?
A103: Under option one, there would be fewer kindergarten teachers needed at Beverly Cleary next year.
Q104: How long would this be for?
A104: All options under consideration are intended for the 2014-15 school year only. A district-wide boundary review process will occur in 2014, and produce long-term changes that take effect beginning in September 2015.
Q105: Who will make the final recommendation to the Superintendent?
A105: Regional Administrator Karl Logan and Enrollment Director Judy Brennan will make a recommendation to Chief Academic Officer Sue Ann Higgens. Ms. Higgens will approve or modify the recommendation before it is forwarded to the Superintendent. Depending on the scope of change, the School Board may be required to approve the final recommendation, as well.
Q106: Is PPS considering a combination of options (e.g., both options 1 and 3)?
A106: The options are intended to be considered separately. However, elements from each option could be combined. However, simplicity in design promotes success in implementation, particularly when time and resources are limited.
Q107: Why not temporary structures?
A107: Facilities staff are developing a response.
Q108: What if option is moved forward and either Superintendent OR School Board vote it down? Then what?
A108: The Superintendent and School Board will be closely involved during the development stage of this process, and will have opportunities to express concerns and suggestions. Either could modify the final recommendation. In that case, the changes would be communicated to the community as part of the implementation plan.
COMMENTS (Some stated in the form of questions)
  • Keep siblings together as much as possible.
  • This should not be looked at as a short term option! Look more long term. Minimize moves for
    kids, make logical and thoughtful & planful decisions now.
  • If you want to minimize disruptions, please consider adding portables to the list of options.
  • Maintain a strong community support for our schools.
  • How can we create one building to serve the entire community? New state of the art school
    built west of the existing Fernwood building!!!
  • Are you considering the mass exodus to private education in your projected enrollment?
    Between short term, long term, & Grant renovation, PPS will love student population.
  • Please consider teacher teaming if there are needs to plan, learn collaborate across grades.
  • Don't thrash the kids - don't make kids make all new friends for a potentially 1 year solution.
  • Financial plan that has minimal financial impact & is consistent with long term planning.
  • Be considerate of the fact that Rose City Park NH children already dealt with a school closure,
    then changed to Bev Cleary and now possible changing boundaries? The kids in this NH have been through enough change . People bought houses over the last few years for Bev. Cleary Grant NH.
  • Consider moving staff and students for one year. This is a huge disruption and is not a good solution if HS only are one year. Consider the community of the staff.
  • Consider acquiring covered play structure P.P.R property for lunchroom, classroom, gym, area.
  • Your explanation of the relative "weight" of solution goals leans towards short term solutions
    which may not sustain goal of reduced class size.
  • Make sure this is not a band-aid. We should have known this would happen in 2009.
  • Criteria should include any solution should be more than a 1 year fix, or at least be part of a
    long-term fix.
  • Suggestion for criteria: What about the impact of each option on students, families of color and
    or low socio-economic status?
  • A timely decision that allows families to make changes in reaction ie, by end of February.
  • Keeping Siblings together for family logistics, transportation ect.
  • Siblings if splitting up grades to different school for example 2 & 3 to Rose City K-1, 4-8 @ BCS or
    splitting enrollment area by grade K,1,2 another school .
  • Be sure to consider siblings if a BCS family has another student at school. Those students should
    be kept together. Since moving boundary is an option.
  • The Fernwood building is a middle school building... it was designed to be that. How can you
    consider moving 7-8 to a building that is set-up to be an elementary school first...??? Double
    gym, big art, Science labs.
  • All students, no matter what building they are in, will have access to PE, Music, Arts, certified
  • Minimize impact on kids who will be affected by Grant rebuild.
  • Consider a middle school for our schools. (It has worked well for Laurelhurst & Alameda.
  • Criteria: A cafeteria to keep the food allergic kids safe.
  • Consider change to children, families not yet integrated to BCS (eg) incoming K to Hollyrood and
    transfering 2nd to Fernwood
  • We need to consider the full impact/experience of each grade's k-12 career. Those disrupted by
    the Grant remodel, Those who started the K-8 program should be able to complete it, "Ping
    pong-ing" even distributed.
  • Criteria: Solutions that keep feeder patterns to continue.
  • Please don't ask students (grades) who will be spending 2 years at Marshall to also be displaced
    next year.
  • Make sure traffic and transportation impacts are considered. Many people in our NH want to
    walk and ride bikes to school, options even for small kids.
  • Criteria that should not be considered: After school programs for a one year solution ability for
    Mad Sci or Young Rembrandts should not be considered. Also we can do W/O Arts, Music,
    Spanish & in stand - alone classrooms, library.
  • This should be done in a sustainable way. i.e., it should not involve parents driving the kids to
  • Work to ensure short term decisions and long term decisions are in tandem so that we don't
    have years of disruption.
  • Note to organizers - Excellent Job!! Format was perfect calm & sanity to the initial stage. I love
    the color note cards.

  • It should be considered that 8th graders could handle change more than K-2, so I'm not sure why moving 8th graders is out. 2 & 3rd graders having to move schools 2-3 will be more disrupted. Consider that people that live within 1 mile chose the houses for location of school.
  • Explosion of enrollment is not affecting Grant HS as one of the considered options (Move 8th grade to Grant) My assumption from this reasoning is that the population bulge is in earlier grades levels.
  • Add Maintain Community Support.
  • Kids who were moved to a K-8 should be able to finish that program.
  • Want a decision that would be in line with long term decisions.
  • Families need to know that younger siblings will get to attend if they have an older sibling
  • We haven't provided enough details . How can parents make a decision.